A Level Media Studies
Unit 1b Media Language and Representations - RESOURCES
Click for resources related to the following areas:
General Resources
Exemplar Analysis Worksheet
This is an exemplar analysis of the Old Spice advert.
Use it to help you learn what to look for when analysing a text.
Advertising Resources
Key text Analysis Worksheet
Use this sheet to help you analyse the set texts on this unit using media language and representation issues.
Old Spice Advert
This is the set advertising text for perfume/aftershave adverts.
lucozade advert
This is the set advertising text for soft drink adverts.
shelter advert
This is the set advertising text for UK charity adverts.
TFM Media - Lucozade Advert Analysis Video
This video covers the basic overview analysis of the Lucozade advert set text.
music video Resources
Emeli Sande - Heaven
This is the first of the set music video texts.
david guetta - titanium
This is the second of the set music video texts.